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Reviews for The Art of
the Illusion:
"This is truly an
exceptional and extensive collection that will have you looking, and then
looking again."
- Keen Readers - 5 out of 5 stars -
"This is the best book
on illusion images I have ever come across... It's awesome."
- Brookline Booksmith
"My opinion is that
The Art of the Illusion is destined to become a classic. A must
have book for every reference library in the country."
- Sam Bellotto Jr. (Puzzle creator and author) - 5 out of 5 stars -
"It's a nice book to
get if you like illusive art."
- Parka (Top 50 Reviewer on Amazon) - 5 out of 5 stars -
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"You'll quickly discover that this remarkable book can be enjoyed over
and over again."
- BookLoons -
"This book is sure to delight and astonish."
- GAMES Magazine (December 2012 Issue)
"While even the simplest illusions please, this stunning volume goes
far beyond the usual collection."
- Northshire Bookstore, Manchester Center, Vermont
"The Art of the Illusion: Deceptions to
Challenge the Eye and the Mind is a unique and strongly recommended
addition to personal, professional, community, and academic library Art
Studies reference collections and supplemental reading lists."
- Midwest Book Review
"Make sure you have leisure time on hand and a
glass of good wine when you explore this book. It invites you to
browse and get lost in beautiful, intriguing, and bizarre artwork...
- Michael Bach, American Academy
of Optometry -
"A true delight for a simple browsing or a focused
study, The Art of the Illusion: Deceptions to Challenge the Eye and the
Mind is a unique and strongly recommended addition to personal,
professional, community, and academic library Art Studies reference
collections and supplemental reading lists."
- Internet Bookwatch -
Foreign Language Editions:
.jpg) |
Japanese Language
創元社, 2014.
ISBN-10: 4422700774
ISBN-13: 978-4422700779 |
French Language
L'Art de l'illusion
Hugo, 2013.
ISBN-10: 2755613017
ISBN-13: 978-2755613018 |
German Language
Optische Illusionen:
Schauen, erkennen, staunen
Bassermann, 2012.
ISBN-10: 3809430277
ISBN-13: 978-3809430278 |